Welcome to Bethsaida!
What a joy it is to introduce you to our church! Our passion is to provide the perfect place, where imperfect people can have a life-changing experience with God. As a community of believers who are aware that the struggle is real, we admit we need God and each other to fulfill our God-Given destinies.  We’re striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible, not just a Sunday church. In fact our goal is to establish various types of “discipleship sets” where we can explore biblical answers to our questions about God, and his design for our life. We invite you to check out our values as a church below and use the entire site to learn more about our ministry. We would be honored to have you join us on Sunday mornings at 11am or via our live broadcast on this website (Beginning September 27).
Our 8 Core Values

1. We value a radical commitment to The Glory of God as the chief end of discipleship.

2. We value being Gospel Grounded, or having a thorough grasp of Christ's death and resurrection and why it is the best news ever for the believer.

3. We value the Trustworthy Truth of Scripture,which we believe to be the inspired, infalliable, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God.

4. We value being a community of disciples, who Pray and Pray, so that the Glory of God we can delight in and display.

5. We value having Glorious Gatherings where the Savior is encountered, exalted and enjoyed, and the Saints are edified, equipped and encouraged.

6. We value the Sacred Scattering...Disciples seeking to follow Jesus into the world for the sake of the world to the Glory of God.

7. We value Real Relationships.. we have given up on image keeping. Believing real minstry takes place with real people, connected with others in a real way, and who are connected in relationship with a real God.

8. We value fostering Faithful Families through clear biblical instructions. Defining and guiding marriage and parenting, relationships. Biblical families will reflect the glory of God.